Discreet log contract is an oracle contract scheme proposed by Tadge in this whitepaper.
- Introduction to Discreet log contracts
- Discreet log contracts @ MIT
- Discreet Log Contracts: invisible smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain
- P2P Protocol Based Crypto Asset Derivative Settled in Bitcoin on Discreet Log Contracts
- Discreet Log Contracts Part 1: What is a Discreet Log Contract?
- Discreet Log Contracts Part 2: How They Work
- Discreet Log Contracts Part 3: Why They Are Great
- Discreet Log Contracts Part 4: Security and Trust Model
- skew. & Crypto Garage trade peer-to-peer Bitcoin-settled S&P500 derivatives
- Crypto Hedging With Discreet Log Contracts
- Discreet Log Contract Demonstration
- DLC by Optech
- Discreet Log Contract by River
- DLC on Lightning
- A Layperson’s Guide to Discreet Log Contracts
- Bitcoin Oracle Contracts: Discreet Log Contracts in Practice
- Oracle-based Conditional payments on Bitcoin
- DLCVM: Generalized, Unboundedly Scalable Computation on Bitcoin
Talks and podcasts
- Tadge Dryja at Dev++ 2017
- Tadge Dryja on MIT OpenCourseWare
- Tadge Dryja at the MIT Bitcoin Expo 2020 (starts at 49:26)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3rsFRLUQK0
- DLCs - Programmable Real World Events - Bitcoin 2022
- What you should know about bitcoin DLCs - Stephan Livera podcast
- Discreet Log Contracts - Bitcoin Explained
- Getting to the Bottom of Discreet Log Contracts
- DLCs are on Bitcoin! New Functionality & Potential (Ben Carman)
- Shehzan Maredia on Building Lava, Bitcoin-Native Borrowing, and Improving Self-Custody UX
- NDLC. DLC implementation by Nicolas Dorier
- rust-dlc, Rust library for working with Discreet Log Contracts
- cfd-dlc, Library for creating and managing Discreet Log Contracts (DLC)
- bitcoin-s, Bitcoin Implementation in Scala
- node-dlc, Bitcoin DLC Protocol in Node.js runtime
- ExFacto, Bitcoin DLC Protocol Implementation in Exilir
- Javascript-dlc, Javascript library for working with Discreet Log Contracts and Lighttning Network
- P2P Derivatives-Client, Bitcoin DLC Protocol Implementation in Typescript
- P2P Derivatives DLC, Bitcoin DLC Protocol Implementation in Go
- Maia, A library for CFDs on Bitcoin which uses DLCs
- DLC-Stack, Contains projects for the Bitcoin Oracle and a headless DLC / BTC Wallet for DApps
- Schnorr related examples,Schnorr, BN, MuSig, discreet log contracts in Phyhton
- Dart DLC, A Dart Library for DLCs
- Docker DLC - Docker source for DLCs
- DLC Dev Kit - Application tooling for dlc contracts
- 10101, lightning and DLC wallet with trading derivatives
- P2PDerivatives client , Infrastructure for DLCs
- Itchy Sats, CFD trading on Bitcoin - non-custodial, peer-to-peer, Bitcoin only enabled by DLCs
- Atomic Finance, Yield on-chain with DLCs
- Lava, Self custody with Bitcoin and DLCs
- Kruut, Hedge against Hype
- DLC Markets - Trustless OTC derivatives trading
- suredbits oracle explorer,
- krystal bull, a full featured DLC Oracle
- dlc-oracle-nodejs, A library for making Discreet Log Contracts oracles in NodeJS
- sibyls, an oracle implementation for numerical events based on rust-dlc
- p2pderivatives-oracle, and oracle implementation for numerical event written in golang
- Cassandra (conduition.io oracle)
- kormir, a basic DLC Oracle written in rust.
Related Resources
To explore other aspects of the Bitcoin and freedom tech ecosystem, check out these additional resource directories:
- nostr.net - A complete guide to Nostr - projects, implementations, developer tools and all other resources
- liquidnetwork.wiki - A curated list of Liquid Network resources, libraries, tools and applications
- pubky.tech - Pubky, an open protocol for censorship resistant web applications
- dlc.wiki - Everything you need to know about Discreet Log Contracts
- ungovernable.tech - A collection of resources on encryption, privacy tools, and decentralized technologies
- lightning-network.tech - Essential tools, guides, and communities for Bitcoin Lightning Network node operators.
- ark-protocol.com - A directory of Ark protocol resources, libraries, tools and applications
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This directory is maintained by aljaz. Your contributions help keep this information up-to-date and valuable.